Mothers Club Organization (The Gambia) - MCO is a non-profit charitable organization in The Gambia
MCO is an organization concerned with the well-being of school communities and their people with a special focus on children, boys and girls in the context of deprivation exclusion and vulnerability (DEV). The organization grew out of a deep reflection and experience gathered by the underprivileged communities and their people in The Gambia.
MCO is a non-profit, charitable and like-minded organizations for the benefit of the disadvantaged, communities and their people in DEV frameworks. The sole purpose is to protect and develop the disadvantaged communities and their people, and to ensure that an enabling environment is created in which children; boys and girls grow to become leaders who are expected to bring long-lasting and positive changes in their societies.
MCO is scouting medical supplies, first Aid boxes for schools’ child-friendly health project seeks to help kindergarten, primary, secondary high schools in The Gambia with primary health services, for school children and their caregivers. The Gambia educational sector has not left a comprehensive school-friendly health care service package leaving a critical gap especially in schools in the rural Gambia, where primary health care services are limited and complicated due to low incomes and insufficient nutritional values. Going to school, children fall ill and lose some academic contact hours as a result of poor or limited access to prevention education, early detection and treatment of minor illnesses.