In response to the underprivileged trend of the needy, MCO has always endeavoured to provide quality basic education for the majority of its population although, with much difficulty. The overall objective of the project is for the provision of school furniture for students in schools. This will facilitate the teaching and learning process in schools.
When knowledge is to be imparted to students the sitting accommodation should be conducive for the pupils acquiring the knowledge.
Furniture change not just the way students are seated or taught but also the way in which education is acquired to improve the content of teaching and learning.
Furniture is increasingly becoming part of the attainment in participatory performance monitoring (PPM).
When analyzing students’ performance (results).
The availability of furniture for the students in schools who are rather disadvantaged by rural setting will offer the student’s potential to expand their scope of learning.
The priority given to the education sectors places furniture as one of its’ priorities in the development process to accommodate children in the school to attain education for all.
Most Governments therefore, maintains an open door policy inviting participation of philanthropic individuals, and organizations to contribute to the realization of its objectives in the field of education.
For the achievement of its targets set demands mobilization of both materials and human reassures, which are not readily available to most of the states is a necessity.
MCO, as its aims is to complement government;s effort to provide education for all. In this school a lot of furniture is spoilt.
Universal access to relevant and quality basic education MCO embark on helping schools with furniture to achieve quality education. This project’s effectiveness is seen through the results of the students, improving each year and over100 furniture was handed over to St. Michael’s Basic Cycle School and we’d like to thank everyone who has supported us. But there’s still time to help us give children better education and better future.