Education in the Gambia

Our educational assistance program aims to support and promote the education, social well-being and development of poor and needy orphans in Gambia who want to stay in school.

We are transforming the lives of children in the community by taking care of their education costs and providing dependent children with tuition fees or scholarships. When certain requirements are met, the amount is paid to the schools for teaching by the children and teaching materials are also provided for children, such as: B. Uniforms, stationery, school bags and shoes per year, etc.

For strategic reasons, MCO has set up an educational aid program (e.g. a scholarship) that enables sponsorship up to university level. With these it will alleviate poverty and the dependency rate in Gambia.

Educational achievement plans require future talent and sustained effort to establish and maintain student scholarship programs. These are advised by MCO and advisors at every stage of the sponsored child’s progress.

Educational program coordinators are an integral part of educational assistance programs because they:

Advocate the establishment of such programs to achieve strategic goals.

Assistance in setting up the programs.

Design and implement effective communication plans.
If necessary, contact experts in the field.

Ongoing administration of educational assistance programs.

Monitor program effectiveness.

Monitor relevant changes in constitution and the environment.

Make recommendations for program improvements and implement them.

Despite the fact that the World Bank subsidizes tuition fees in public schools in The Gambia, education is generally not free.

The student still needs to provide uniforms, books, and other school supplies.

While their program has increased school enrollment tremendously, the poor cannot afford school.

The more a student progresses in their education, the higher the cost.

This has led to a high level among students who have dropped out of upper secondary (10th, 11th and 12th grade).

A village girl who cannot go to school after 9th grade can join the family and even be forced into an early marriage. 85% of early marriages are arranged by parents. Therefore, it is very common for a man to marry a 15 year old girl.

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