Problem statement.
Today, one in three Africans— 422 million people—live below the global poverty line. They represent more than 70 percent of the world’s poorest people. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
We believe children are the country’s greatest resource and represent hope for a better future.
Profound poverty, competition for scarce resources, disease, conflict, addictions, prostitution and lack of educational opportunities put these children at extreme risk for illiteracy, illness, hopelessness, abuse and the meager resources accessible is the common definition of the urban poor child living in the Gambia.
Few opportunities exist for the children of greater Banjul areas and surroundings that allow them to learn and grow to their potential.
Although the Gambia government has announced free education for all children at Basic cycle school level and Senior school level, the children are still expected to buy their own uniforms, text books, Shoes, exercise books, Pencils (without a uniform they cannot attend school), and provide their own food.
This lack of opportunity results in a perpetuation of the poverty cycle, allowing them to neither contribute to their full capacity to the community nor be able to take advantage of all that their society and the wider world has to offer.
It’s in light of this predicament that Mothers Club Organisation (MCO) was founded to meet the ever increasing need to meet the needs of these dear ones and give them the opportunity to live to their full potential and add value to humanity.
The challenges have been many and the successes of fulfilling their lives challenges will reduce.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever.
We need your prayers towards this venture.
Thank you